Winning this war – results and conclusion

Our “Winning This War” unity proposal/project began on April 20. This is the first phase of our unity proposal and it has come to an end, a little sooner than scheduled. This blog post reports the results and the conclusions that can be drawn from this first phase.

In this first phase, we had no intention of trying to unite our rank-and-file. The purpose of this first phase was to show our toothless chihuahuas have become a significant obstacle to uniting our rank-and-file.1

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Canada’s biggest megaphone and we are not using it!

What do you get when you combine Street Army Canada with Freedom Rising? You know what I see? I see Canada’s biggest fucking megaphone that can broadcast across Canada, from coast to coast.

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Coutts, showcasing might-is-right

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Who is our real enemy in this war of Technocracy and Transhumanism?

Continue reading “Who is our real enemy in this war of Technocracy and Transhumanism?”

The toothless chihuahuas of Canada

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There are no freedom fighters in Canada!

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The last post

This is my last blog post.  I am leaving this fight.  Why?  Because I can and I want to.  Because the people I expected to be fighting alongside with, against this tyranny and evil of Technocracy and Transhumanism, are too busy fighting amongst themselves, stuck in their petty turf wars and echo chambers.   

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We must engage our rank-and-file!

An army has generals, elite troops and then the regular rank-and-file soldier.  A war cannot be fought by just the generals and the elite troops alone.  The elite troops might be able to win a few skirmishes by themselves but the real strength in an army is in the regular rank-and-file soldier.  No war can be won without committing and engaging the regular rank-and-file soldier.

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Seeing is believing.

All of you understand we are in a long-term war against the tyranny of Technocracy and Transhumanism.  We are under attack by our governments and leading political, health, business and law enforcement officials.  We are being injured, killed and murdered.  Our rights, liberties and freedoms are being systematically crushed.  We are witnessing mass formation psychosis where those we think of as good people – our family members, friends and coworkers – do bad things. 

There are two events I placed my hopes in.  The first is the Reclaiming Canada Conference that was recently held in British Columbia, Canada.  The second is the initiative that Marcus Ray is a spokesperson for, something I will refer to here as the Marcus Initiative. 

Continue reading “Seeing is believing.”